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Endoscopy Water Disinfector (Final Rinse Water)

Final rinse water from automated washer/disinfectors should be sterile (or very nearly so).

Routine and periodic testing of both the equipment during use and of the final rinse water is designed to highlight where failure may occur which could result in the ineffective decontamination of re-useable devices putting patients at risk.

  • Weekly Testing
    Weekly water testing includes a Total Viable Count (TVC) by membrane filtration, Hardness and Electrical Conductivity.
  • Quarterly Testing
    This suite additionally tests Environmental Mycobacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in addition to the weekly tests above.

Both suites of tests require the collected samples to be delivered to the laboratory under temperature controlled conditions, AquaCert provide both the necessary transport boxes and a courier pick-up service.

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Advice on Taking the Sample

Great care is therefore needed during collection of water samples in order to ensure that contamination is not introduced. The exact procedure will vary from one model to another, but advice should be sought from the manufacturer on the appropriate sampling procedure.