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Replacement Filter

Fits Product Ref SS-883 Inline Legionella

Inline Legionella Replacement Filter Cartridge

This a replacement filter for the SS-883 Inline Legionella Filter, it does not include the complete filter housing.

When coupled to your existing filter hosing it prevent all other bacteria in the water from reaching the user, including:

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • E.Coli
  • Stenotrophomonas
  • Clostridium difficile (C.diff)
  • Campylobacter
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis



It is environmentally friendly as it enables users to replace just the filter rather than throw away a perfectly serviceable filter housing.

The costs of replacing the filter cartridges are significantly less than total product replacement.

SAFEWATER Shower Filter Data
Performance Rated Capacity —- 5,000 litres (= 5½ tons of water)
Flow Rate —- 6 litres per minute at 2 bar
Biological Retention —- >Log 7  (= 99.99999% reduction in bacterial count)
Life Time —- Several months depending on water quality and usage
Ultrafiltration —- 0.15 micron pore size which is 10 times smaller than  Legionella, pseudomonas or E.coli, so they get retained within the filter
Operating Conditions Pressure —- 6 Bar max (Structural Integrity = 8 Bar hydrostatic pressure)
Chlorine Exposure —- 100 ppm
Temperature —- 0°C (min) up to 50°C (max).  For short periods 60°C is possible but only for 30 minutes during lifetime of the unit
Certified Product Compliance
All products comply with the requirements of the United Kingdom Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations.
All products are made from the safest of materials, comply with 100% quality control checks & the filters are laboratory tested to ensure effectiveness.
Complies to key aspects of ASTM F838 Test Method for determining bacterial retention of membrane filters utilised for liquid filtration.
Independent laboratory tests validate that no legionella bacteria pass through the filter during normal operation.
Independent laboratory tests validate that the SWP membranes reduce the number of Legionella Pneumophila by at least 7 Logs.
Both the filter material and housings meet NSF standards.


Why can’t we post the sample back to you, couriers must add to the cost of your product.



Laboratories are regularly audited to ensure they meet UKAS standards.  Samples must be marked with the time/date that they were taken and analysis must begin within 48 hours (max). The UK postal service is no longer guaranteed to deliver within this time period. Samples that arrive at the laboratory more than 48 hours after sampling are deemed Non-Compliant and should not be tested.



Wouldn’t it be easier to use smaller bottles, other companies just ask for 250ml but AquaCert send out 1 litre bottles.



Yes, it would be a lot easier!

However, the international standard for legionella testing is set out in the document BS EN ISO 11731:2017 Water quality - Enumeration of Legionella.

We don’t take shortcuts, our testing is 100% UKAS accredited and the results will hold up in court.

Taking smaller sample sizes or allowing more than 48 hours transit time is not recommended and the validity of the result  would be challenged if used as evidence in a law court.